Friday, August 17, 2018

The "P" Word

People procrastinate. I don't look on that as a bad thing, necessarily. It all depends on the timing. It is possible to structure procrastination. Perhaps that sounds counter-intuitive but it doesn't have to be. It can sometimes be something like a creative waiting room where inspiration shows up.

Think of life as having a natural rhythm to it, like the ebb and flow of the ocean tides. Consider that we too are made up of the same elemental ratios as the earth and understand that we too, have natural rhythms. Society is structured in a way that forces us to operate within certain time frameworks and requires us to labor for life's necessities. In the hustle and bustle to survive, it is easy to lose awareness of our natural ebb and flow as such...

When I think about it, it seems to me that entrepreneurial people are people who have an intuitive drive to control their own time frames and survival outcomes.Even so, for way too many of these enterprising folks, there exists a disconnect that causes so few to succeed at what they are trying to do and achieve. Procrastination from doing the necessary steps to achieve success, is often to blame for peoples failures to succeed but I believe that procrastination, in such cases, is an effect rather than a cause. The other type of procrastination, as far as I can see, is more like a creative incubator.

I think that our problems exist in the, when we procrastinate, rather than, that we procrastinate. So how do you get a hold of that? Because the act is talked about as if it were something we had no real control over, when in fact, I think we do. 

The first step in gaining some control over procrastination is becoming aware of and familiar with, your own ebb and flow cycles in order to learn how-when-where your rise and fall rhythms of productivity/procrastination occur. This is doable, even within the must do activities of your everyday life. In other words, become mindful of your energy levels and your attentiveness.

Once you have identified these, you can determine where it is a problem for you and where you need to feed it. With this information you can also begin to implement holistic methods to divert procrastination where it is not useful or to utilize it deliberately where it is useful, when you are in ebb - and also, to employ methodologies of productivity to maximize your energy effectively, when you are in flow. 


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The "P" Word

People procrastinate. I don't look on that as a bad thing, necessarily. It all depends on the timing. It is possible to structure procr...